16 Signs He Loves You Even if He Hasn't Said It
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August 30, 2021

16 Signs He Definitely Loves You, According to Men

Unless you possess the ability to read people’s minds (…in which case, let’s talk), there’s unfortunately no way to ever fully know how someone feels about you. This can be v upsetting if you’re dating someone who feels more comfortable talking about why Matthew McConaughey is the greatest actor on earth than how much you mean to them. Le sigh.

Inside 1st slot

  1. He picks up thoughtful gifts for you. Even if he’s not the best gift-giver in the world, he buys you socks with corgis on them just because he knows you love corgis. Know what I mean? He pays attention to things you mention, or at least tries to find something you didn’t even know you needed.

  2. He inadvertently does lil tasks and chores you hate. Okay, so some dudes just aren’t big on gifts—and that’s fine! It’s a love language after all. But if he’s doing your dishes, taking your trash out, making your bed in the a.m., or doing any sort of chore/necessity that you would otherwise hate doing yourself, it’s a pretty good sign he’s got the hots for you, says Alex Z., 29.

  3. He tries to get into the things you like. Like, maybe he’s sat through an entire season of The Bachelor and listened to you rant about the contestants just because?“If it makes her happy, then it makes me happy,” says Francisco C., 26.

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  1. He is reminded of you All! The! Time! If he finds a way to make every story about you or something that you guys did together, there’s probably a good chance he’s got the feels. “When songs on the radio remind you of her or things you did together,” says Ross G., 28.
  1. He finds any reason to bring you up to his friends and family. Literally any reason. “When I’m in love, that person typically comes up more often than not in conversation with my friends and family,” says Hayden K., 25. “It’s like everything you talk about reminds you of a story with them.”

  2. He doesn’t get FOMO when he’s with you. If a dude has the option to go out with his bois, 90 percent of the time, he’s going to go out with his bois. But if the question is: hang out with the bois or hang out with you, and he makes plans with you instead, that is a chefs kiss sign. “I know when I’m not having FOMO when I’m with them,” says Matt D., 25.

  1. He’s (almost) always paying attention. You can’t expect him to have a perfect memory, and yet he remembers virtually everything. It’s not just because he has a great memory. It’s because he cares enough to focus on you. He puts his phone down or pauses his movie. You’re not an afterthought. “More than anything, just being a good listener is a good sign,” says Carter M., 26.
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